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NewsOn this page you can find news and events on various key topics for the care sector.

Please click on the title to show the details and resources.


Kent registered manager conferenceOn 10 October we held another successful registered manager conference and was pleased to be joined by our Medway Council colleagues and providers.

There was a real buzz to the day with plenty of networking between providers, professionals, commissioning teams, safeguarding colleagues and 34 stand-holders.

We had a wide range of speakers and a moving presentation from Michelle Bramble on her families story related to the Windrush 75yr anniversary.

With so much on offer you will find all the speaker and workshop presentations below to help refresh your learning from the day and share with colleagues.

‍PLEASE NOTE; With real financial pressures on local authorities at the moment, and in light of the positive feedback we have received for this event, rest assured we are working hard to find a way to continue providing this support to the sector and we hope to see you all again soon!

Speaker Presentations Autumn 2023
  • Medway Council Update - Jackie Brown, Assistant Director for Adult Social Care
  • KCC Council Update Jim Beale Director Adult Social care Kent County Council
  • QUICK! WAKE UP THE PILOT by Dr Ant the Brain Whisperer
  • Windrush 75 yr Anniversary - Michelle Bramble Chair North Kent Caribbean Network - slides not available
  • Capacity Tracker - Rebecca Pullen, Associate Director K&M Community Pathways
  • Making Mealtimes Better: A new manual for mealtimes Liz Gould and Bryony Donaldson Speech & Language Therapy and Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Service KCHFT
  • Are we nearly there yet? – update on CQC single assessment framework and Skills for Care Update - Pia Rathje-Burton SE Locality Manager
Workshop Presentations


Kent & Medway Registered Manager Conference - Reflection

It was good to see so many managers at our 15th registered manager conference on 18th September. With so many on-line meetings these days, it’s always nice to see people face to face and enjoy a conversation over coffee or lunch.

Speakers included Kent CC, Skills for Care, The Outstanding Society highlighting the Vivaldi project, the Dept. Health & Social Care updating on the new Learning & Development Support Scheme for the care sector and CQC closed the day with an apology for the frustrations providers have experienced over the last year, as well as an update on their plans to focus on inspections as a priority.

We have started to read through the online evaluations to see what managers would like to see at the next event as we will soon be planning again so will send out a ‘save the day’ once we know the date. Meanwhile here is some of the feedback from those who attended;

What would you like to see next time?

  • Kindly give more time to questions and answer for the Panels, we all came to ensure some of the question affecting our day to day running of the service are answered by those we cannot easily have access to especially the commissioning, CQC and Safeguarding Team
  • Speakers - Head of KCC, Head of Medway to explain priorities. Government for Social Care.
  • More focus on Domiciliary care and opportunity's
  • It would be good to have some positive reflection with speakers, I.E what has been achieved and successful, and not so much of plans
  • Consider holding a poll to ascertain what topics managers might be interested in hearing more about (e.g., DoLS being LPS etc). Overall, beautifully organised.

General feedback on the event

  • On the whole a very productive and useful day, I do think the move to an annual conference is appropriate.
  • The Conference is very interactive and a pleasant atmosphere. Well done team very informative
  • The whole day was interesting and enjoyable , it was well executed from start to finish
  • I do agree with other people's comments about having more input from Experts By Experience, people who have used the services themselves before.
  • Instead of workshops have focus groups to discuss areas within care where areas can be discussed and best practices shared

 See you next year!!

NOTE - Due to website issues, if you would like to receive all speaker and workshop presentations, please email



We hope this edition of our Kent Registered Managers' Newsletter provides you with helpful guidance and advice from the Adult Social Care Sector over the last month together with free training opportunities for you and your staff.

Read the May 2024 edition here.

Here is the link Kent Registered Managers Newsletter - July 2024 ( for the July Edition of our Kent Registered Managers Newsletter.

 We hope this Edition provides you with helpful guidance and advice from the Adult Social Care Sector over the last month together with free training opportunities for you and your staff.

You can now read the August Newsletter which is full of updates for the sector, training opportunities, webinars etc.

You can now read the September Newsletter which is full of updates for the sector, training opportunities, webinars etc.

You can now read the October Newsletter which is full of updates for the sector, training opportunities, webinars etc.

You can now read the November Newsletter which is full of updates for the sector, training opportunities, webinars etc.

You can now read the December Newsletter which is full of updates for the sector, training opportunities, webinars etc.

You can now read the January Newsletter which is full of updates for the sector, training opportunities, webinars etc.

Here is the link for the Kent Registered Managers' Newsletter - February 2025 .

 In this Edition you will find helpful guidance and advice from the Adult Social Care Sector over the last month together with details of important events and free training opportunities for you and your staff.



Here is the link for the Kent Registered Managers Newsletter – March Edition.

 In this Edition you will find the date for the next Kent Registered Managers Conference together with helpful guidance and advice from the Adult Social Care Sector over the last month, details of important events and free training opportunities for you and your staff.

 Remember, if we can ever be of any help or support please do not hesitate to contact us at: we are always happy to hear from you.

Introducing Adult Social Care Connect!

We have been working hard with our staff over the past year to re-imagine and improve our ways of working for people, including our partners. We would like to share with you an update ahead of our changes and introduce Adult Social Care Connect (formerly Area Referral Service). From Monday 14th October, we will be going live with the Adult Social Care Connect service, our first step in shaping and developing our first point of contact for Adult Social Care. This is going to be an iterative process as we continue to move forward with the principles of our ‘Making a difference every day’ strategy and increase our approach to prevention. This work is being supported by PWC, our transformation partner. Please watch this space for more updates.

What are the Principles and Values of Adult Social Care Connect

We want to ensure people to get the right support at the right time, through the principles of Prevent, Reduce, and Delay.

We want to achieve this by:

  • Think Independence and Enablement First - support people to remain as independent as possible by using new technology, equipment, enablement and alternative provision
  • Make Practice Led Decisions – having strengths-based conversations by working with people. People are experts in their own lives.
  • Keeping people close to their communities - Strengthening existing relationships and supporting people to build new relationships whilst encouraging independence

What is changing for you?

As part of our initial change we are focussing on introducing new ways of working within our Adult Social Care Connect Teams to support strengths based practice, and our work with people we support in their communities. This is just the first step for us, and we will be engaging more with you all through our transformation partner in order to develop our relationships and partnerships to support the people of Kent.

As our changes are mostly internal at this stage, there should be minimal impact on you. There won’t be any changes to our current referral routes, with all of our current online/digital forms continuing to come through to our teams as usual, so please continue to share referrals as your would normally.


Last updated: 28/02/2025