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The Hub : Training and funding

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  • The Hub : Training and funding

trainingOn this page you can find training and funding opportunities, on various key topics for the care sector.

Please click on the title to show the details and resources.

Mandatory training

Free Infection, Prevention and Control(IPC) support for your service from the new IPC Nurse Advisor from Public Health, Sarah Hamed.

Sarah's role is to support the care sector with infection prevention and control advice, support, and training to domiciliary care providers and residential care in Kent.

Support could include but is not limited to:

  • Group network discussions
  • Infection, prevention, and control audits
  • Webinars and training sessions

Contact and resources

E-Learning for Health is available to all social care providers enabling you to access many mandatory, health and clinical on-line courses.

Resources and information

  • Future Learn are currently offering the following course FREE until 12 March 2024 - Basic First Aid: How to be an Everyday Hero - click here.

The following are available to all workers in social care;

MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults. MindEd has e-learning applicable across the health, social care, education, criminal justice and community settings. It is aimed at anyone from beginner through to specialist.


Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adult Board have a free Safeguarding Principles online module with a reflection quiz at the end. This module focuses on the safeguarding principles to provide a basic introduction to topics such as the Care Act 2014 and the Mental Capacity Act. This e-learning is designed to act as an introduction to, or a refresher of, the safeguarding principles.

Kent Safeguarding Children’s Partnership site has a wide range of training including free e learning training, some relevant to adult services too, resources, explainer videos and more.

Their full training catalogue can be viewed here and includes free e-learning module’ Adult Safeguarding’ level 1 and Adult Self Neglect level 1 both ideal for care workers and induction.

e-learning for health is an NHS England site open to the care sector. There is a wide range of free training including safeguarding topics. You can view their Safeguarding courses here and the list includes a free online level 3 Safeguarding Adults.

Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) site has a wide range of costed training and free resources. You can view their Safeguarding, DoLS, MCA training pages here

Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board Training The Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) offer full-day training courses which are prioritised for partner agencies who contribute to the board, but external agencies are welcome to apply and they will be added to a waiting list.

If spaces are available three weeks before the course date, these will be offered to the waiting list.

Information & Guidance

Adult safeguarding - Kent County Council

If you need help deciding whether you need to raise a safeguarding concern to Kent Adult Social Care, refer to this flowchart (PDF, 118.3 KB) which provides advice on how to make the right decision.

If you are worried about someone being abused or neglected, please say something.

Contact us to report your concerns

Please find attached the finalised Adult Safeguarding Threshold Decision Making Guidance Tool which Strategic Safeguarding have created collaboratively with Medway Adult Social Care, to provide a best practice guide in relation to Safeguarding.

Find the tool here.

This tool has also been approved by the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) and is hosted on the KMSAB Website:


We would love to hear any feedback on how the Threshold Tool is being used and whether you feel it is helpful, so please do not hesitate to contact us when you have had an opportunity to use it.

Kent CC Adult Safeguarding Referrals - As part of the new model for Adult Social Care a ‘Safeguarding Hub’ was implemented 4th March 2024 to manage all Safeguarding concerns for people new and known to Adult Social Care to ensure that the people we support get the right support at the right time, as well as making it easier for partners and professionals to contact us. You can view the guide and area contacts here.

For guidance on what makes a good referral please see this guidance from the Kent & Medway Safeguarding Adult Board

This KMSAB professional resources page also contains useful links and resources for safeguarding leads.

Published Safeguarding Adult Reviews can be viewed here These are helpful to build knowledge on previous concerns and actions taken

Please see below the area contact details should you require them for any queries in respect of existing/outstanding safeguarding concerns you have already raised.  Please continue to use the Referral Form (Tell us about an adult safeguarding concern - Before you start - Kent County Council ( for new Safeguarding concerns.

 A new Referral Form is currently in the process of being tested and we will update you when the new form is ready for use.



Email addresses

Towns covered


Ashford Canterbury Coastal

Ashford Canterbury Herne Bay and Whitstable, Community Team Manager - Jessica Woodnott


Thanet South Kent Coast

Thanet Dover Deal Shepway and Hythe Community Team Manager - Kate Smith


North Kent

Dartford Gravesend Swanley and Swale Community Team Manager - Kim Hatcher


West Kent

Maidstone Sevenoaks Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge Community Team Manager - Charley Melville


Sensory Services

Countywide, Service Manager - Nikki O’ Sullivan

The presentation from the Mid Kent Registered Managers Network Meeting on 10/07/24 can be found here:  RM meeting 10.07.2024 for sharing.pdf


Leadership and Management Training

There are five locality registered Manager Network Meetings, held quarterly and supported by Skills for Care. Each meeting is chaired by a registered manager and provide managers with an opportunity to network with peers, hear from guest speakers, share local information etc.

If you would like to attend your local meeting, please contact

Available to all social care providers, E-Learning for Health enables you to access many mandatory, health and clinical on-line courses.

Funding from Skills for Care Workforce Development Fund (WDF) is now available to support managers with their development.‍ The two training options detailed below are available using WDF funding.

If you are not already registered for claiming WDF please contact the organisation who distribute this fund in Kent to register your interest

1) Skills for Care Digital Modules

The modules can form part of the new managers induction, part of upskilling a deputy manager or could be used if there are particular skills you want to enhance for your own CPD.

Each module is between 4-60 minutes long and you can just choose to do one module or all of them. They cost £15 individually, or £130 for the full bundle but You can claim £50 per completed module from the Workforce Development Fund. The funding contributes towards the cost of the learning, the employees time required to complete the module, and the time taken to apply and embed the learning within their organisation.

Each module (or the full bundle) is now purchased on a two-year renewable license, with enrolment access to the module for a period of two years from date of purchase.

The 11 modules cover the following:

  • Module 1: Leading and managing in adult social care
  • Module 2: Supporting and developing teams (Part 1)
  • Module 2: Supporting and developing teams (Part 2)
  • Module 3: Regulation and governance
  • Module 4: Effective communication
  • Module 5: Working with partners
  • Module 6: Leading a person-centred service
  • Module 7: Safeguarding and mental capacity
  • Module 8: Making decisions
  • Module 9: Managing resources
  • Module 10: Learning and innovating
  • Module 11: Personal development and wellbeing

For the full detail of this new offer, please visit the dedicated web page for the modules.

2) Skills for Care also have three virtual learning modules

These support Registered Managers with CQC – They are all one hour long and cost £10 each. However, if you have an ASC-WDS account they are £9 each and you can claim back £50 per module. So if you purchase all three modules they will cost £27 and you can claim back £150.

  • Preparing for your CQC inspection - aimed at new managers, new services and others wishing to understand the CQC inspection process
  • Improve your CQC rating – provides insight into practical ways to drive forward improvements after falling below CQC standards
  • Outstanding care – Understand practical ways to deliver and evidence the highest levels of care and evidence this to the CQC

This WDF funded Skills for Care program is delivered by local endorsed trainers in Kent

Skills for Care Lead to Succeed program - is for deputies and aspiring managers It complements the Manager Induction Standards and Level 4 Certificate in Principles of Leadership and Management in Adult Social Care. It covers;

  • successful behaviors for leaders and managers
  • developing a positive culture
  • effective supervision
  • leading and managing the process of change
  • leading and managing the inspection process.

Currently available from the following Skills for Care endorsed training providers;

  • SEK - Offering fully funded courses using Skills for Care Workforce Development Fund. To enquire about the next course please email or tel; 01227 469970
  • eTraining (part of the Twin group)- Offering fully funded Lead to Succeed courses using Skills for Care Workforce Development Fund. To enquire about the next course please email

This WDF funded Skills for Care Well Led program is delivered by local Skills for Care endorsed training providers in Kent

Skills for Care Well Led program

  • Day 1 Know Yourself - Looking Inwards
  • Day 2 Leading a Successful Service - Looking Around
  • Day 3 Leading High Performing Teams - Looking Sideways
  • Day 4 Leading in and Beyond the Boundaries of Your Service - Looking Outwards

Currently available from the following Skills for Care endorsed training providers in Kent.

SEK - Offering fully funded classroom sessions utilising Skills for Care Workforce Development Fund. To enquire about next course dates please email

eTraining (part of the Twin group) - Utilising Skills for Care Workforce Development Fund, Well Led, Lead to Succeed (for deputies) and Individual Management modules can be provided. To enquire about next course dates please email

Other Skills for Care endorsed training providers in Kent can be viewed here.

group of hands

6 Free online courses from the Kings Fund for managers, deputies, team leaders and those aspiring to move into a management role. All accessible here

Social Care Information and Learning Services

Health and Clinical Skills

The Tissue Viability Training course, provided by Sarah Gardner, Wound Care Specialist, is 4 x ½ day modules delivered virtually over a few months.

Time of all virtual sessions is 9am to 1.30PM & CPD Certificate provided.

Choose from three different date options – Group 1, 2 or 3. Attendance at all 4 dates in the group you book is required.

In addition, once you complete your virtual sessions you will be offered the opportunity to register for a Practical Leg Ulcer session (choice of two different dates)

New dates out soon.

If you’re still deciding whether RESTORE2 is suitable for you and your setting, or are not entirely sure what it’s all about (don’t worry, we know that there are so many things you need to be involved in, and how hard it can be to keep across all initiatives) then here’s a quick overview:

RESTORE2 is a physical deterioration and escalation tool for care/nursing homes based on nationally recognised methodologies including early recognition (Soft Signs), the national early warning score (NEWS2) and structured communications (SBARD).

It is designed to support care homes and health professionals to:

  • Recognise when a resident may be deteriorating or at risk of physical deterioration
  • Act appropriately according to the resident’s care plan to protect and manage the resident
  • Obtain a complete set of physical observations to inform escalation and conversations with health professionals
  • Speak with the most appropriate health professional in a timely way to get the right support
  • Provide a concise escalation history to health professionals to support their professional decision making.

Resources and information

The Kent Surrey Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative continues to offer their training via Teams. New dates are being added all the time, so please do check back soon if they appear to be booked up.

If you’ have any questions or still deciding whether RESTORE2 is suitable for you, please contact the Program Manager

You can access our Wound Care session which provides ISTAP Best Practice Document, Presentation Booklet and the new England-wide multi-professional framework published 09 June 2021 by the National Wound Care Strategy Programme to standardise wound care across all health and care roles and settings, improving healing rates and patient outcomes.

React To is a series of training resources specifically designed for care home staff and other healthcare professionals. The training has been produced by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Bassettlaw CCG and Crocodile House Ltd. 

Resources and information

28th April Presentation 2021 to Domiciliary Care Providers
Please find attached documents below as mentioned at this Bitesize event, provided by Paul Johnson at URGO. Unfortunately, we do not have a video recording of this session.

“This framework sets a standard for all levels of the multi-professional workforce involved in wound care in developing and providing evidence of their knowledge and skills, enabling the highest standards of practice, as well as providing a structure for career and role development within wound care.” - Baroness Watkins of Tavistock, Chair of the NWCSP Board

Developed collaboratively by senior workforce consultants, Health Education England and a multi-professional team from across the health and care sector, the National Wound Care Core Capabilities Framework for England has been designed to be a single, consistent, and comprehensive foundation that will underpin the highest standard of wound care, no matter the setting or location.

Society of Tissue Viability – freefundamentals education sessions

The Innovation Delivery Team would like to highlight some free on-line session to support pressure ulcer care, wound assessment and lower limb care. Please follow this link for the dates of free on-line education sessions from the Society of Tissue Viability

All Other Training

slavery is closer than you think

Come along to this informative 1hr session to;

  • introduce social care staff to modern slavery legislation
  • describe the different elements and types of modern slavery and human trafficking
  • raise awareness of spotting the signs of modern slavery
  • what to do if you have concerns or suspicions that someone is being exploited.

Also covered - Cuckooing;

  • Cuckooing is part of criminal exploitation/forced labour, so awareness will be raised of this issue.

Please use the links below to book your place:

05 March 1-2pm




Last updated: 30/01/2025