Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adult Board have a free Safeguarding Principles online module with a reflection quiz at the end. This module focuses on the safeguarding principles to provide a basic introduction to topics such as the Care Act 2014 and the Mental Capacity Act. This e-learning is designed to act as an introduction to, or a refresher of, the safeguarding principles.
Kent Safeguarding Children’s Partnership site has a wide range of training including free e learning training, some relevant to adult services too, resources, explainer videos and more.
Their full training catalogue can be viewed here and includes free e-learning module’ Adult Safeguarding’ level 1 and Adult Self Neglect level 1 both ideal for care workers and induction.
e-learning for health is an NHS England site open to the care sector. There is a wide range of free training including safeguarding topics. You can view their Safeguarding courses here and the list includes a free online level 3 Safeguarding Adults.
Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) site has a wide range of costed training and free resources. You can view their Safeguarding, DoLS, MCA training pages here
Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board Training The Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) offer full-day training courses which are prioritised for partner agencies who contribute to the board, but external agencies are welcome to apply and they will be added to a waiting list.
If spaces are available three weeks before the course date, these will be offered to the waiting list.
Information & Guidance
Adult safeguarding - Kent County Council
If you need help deciding whether you need to raise a safeguarding concern to Kent Adult Social Care, refer to this flowchart (PDF, 118.3 KB) which provides advice on how to make the right decision.
If you are worried about someone being abused or neglected, please say something.
Contact us to report your concerns
Please find attached the finalised Adult Safeguarding Threshold Decision Making Guidance Tool which Strategic Safeguarding have created collaboratively with Medway Adult Social Care, to provide a best practice guide in relation to Safeguarding.
Find the tool here.
This tool has also been approved by the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) and is hosted on the KMSAB Website:
We would love to hear any feedback on how the Threshold Tool is being used and whether you feel it is helpful, so please do not hesitate to contact us when you have had an opportunity to use it.
Kent CC Adult Safeguarding Referrals - As part of the new model for Adult Social Care a ‘Safeguarding Hub’ was implemented 4th March 2024 to manage all Safeguarding concerns for people new and known to Adult Social Care to ensure that the people we support get the right support at the right time, as well as making it easier for partners and professionals to contact us. You can view the guide and area contacts here.
For guidance on what makes a good referral please see this guidance from the Kent & Medway Safeguarding Adult Board
This KMSAB professional resources page also contains useful links and resources for safeguarding leads.
Published Safeguarding Adult Reviews can be viewed here These are helpful to build knowledge on previous concerns and actions taken
Please see below the area contact details should you require them for any queries in respect of existing/outstanding safeguarding concerns you have already raised. Please continue to use the Referral Form (Tell us about an adult safeguarding concern - Before you start - Kent County Council ( for new Safeguarding concerns.
A new Referral Form is currently in the process of being tested and we will update you when the new form is ready for use.
The presentation from the Mid Kent Registered Managers Network Meeting on 10/07/24 can be found here: RM meeting 10.07.2024 for sharing.pdf