If you've been affected by a crime, it doesn’t matter when the crime took place, or whether you’ve reported it to the police. You can help at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Staying safe
Victim of crime
Victim support is an independent charity that provides support to people affected by crime or traumatic events to get the support they need and the respect they deserve. They help people feel safer and find the strength to move beyond crime.
Domestic and sexual abuse
UK SAYS NO MORE is a national campaign to raise awareness to end domestic violence abuse and sexual violence across the UK.
UK SAYS NO MORE is working with Boots UK, Morrisons, Superdrug and Well pharmacies, TSB banks and independent pharmacies across the UK to provide Safe Spaces in their consultation rooms for people experiencing domestic abuse.
To access a Safe Space walk into any participating pharmacy in the UK. Ask at the healthcare counter to use their Safe Space. A pharmacist will show you to the Safe Space, which will be the consultancy room. Once inside, you will find displayed specialist domestic abuse support information for you to access, to make that call or access Bright Sky safely. Safe Spaces are open and ready for you to use.
Top Tips for keeping safe while out and about
Here are a few things you can do to help yourself to be safer while you are out and about.
- If you are planning to go somewhere new, it is a good idea to plan your route to avoid getting lost.
- Use public transport or a taxi if you are not sure where you are going especially if it is dark.
- Tell a family member or friend where you are going and what time you expect to be back.
- If you are visiting someone, tell them what time you are expected to be there.
- Try to keep to main paths and roads whenever possible - avoid using short cuts that take you off their main paths.
- At night, try to keep to well lit areas where possible as this can reduce the risk of being a victim of a crime.
- Be mindful of where you are - avoid using headphones or looking at your phone as this may distract for the environment you are in.
- If you have a mobile phone, make sure it is fully charged and you have your contacts list up to date.
- Make sure you have a list of taxi numbers in case you get lost or need help getting home.
- If you think an area is unsafe then trust you feelings and avoid going into that environment.
- Do not have any of your passwords or PIN numbers on you.
- Do not take large amounts of cash out with you; only take what you think you may need.
- Avoid being alone at night while you are out and about.
- If you think you are being followed, attempt to cross the road, go into a shop or head for a busy street. If you feel unsafe, make a noise or tell someone.
If you feel you are in immediate danger dial 999.
Useful Contacts & Information
Safe Spaces locations:
Online Safe Spaces:
Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) run a helpline for anyone affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence (03000 110 110) You can call the helpline if you are experiencing domestic abuse or have been affected by sexual violence or abuse, if you are worried about your relationship or if you are concerned about someone you know. Professionals can also use the helpline to make referrals and to ask any questions. The lines are free to contact and what you tell us will be treated in the strictest confidence
There is also a 24 hour national domestic violence number on 0808 2000 247 or the Rape Crisis line on 0808 802 9999.
Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) provide support to people of all genders (over the age of 16) who are victims or survivors of Domestic Abuse.
This includes practical support, helping you through the criminal and civil justice systems as well as giving you information on benefits and housing, providing emotional support or referring you on for counselling. Your safety is of paramount concern and they will always do their best to help you form a plan that will help you feel safer.
Support can be offered on a one to one basis or in a group. If you don’t want to meet in person, they can also help you over the phone or via email at The team of people who provide support have specialist knowledge and in-depth training. They also have good links with solicitors, counsellors and other specialist agencies.