Kent Connect to Support
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Supported housing and Shared Lives

Supported Housing

f you find living alone difficult but don't need 24-hour care, supported housing might be right for you if you're between 18 and 55 years old.

In supported housing, you live in a small area managed by care staff. Staff are available to help at certain times during the day and night, and some places have personal or community alarms for emergencies.

You would usually have your own small flat or room and access to a shared area. Some supported housing options let you share a family home with others, which we call Shared Lives.

There are many ways we can help you find a new home that provides the support you need to live more independently. Supported housing can be a step towards getting back into your own home.

Shared Lives

The Shared Lives scheme offers long-term, short breaks, and day support in the homes of approved Shared Lives carers. It's for people aged 16 and over who meet Kent County Council's eligibility criteria under the Care Act 2014.

This scheme is for people with dementia, learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, mental health issues, older people with support needs, or those with health or sensory disabilities.

Shared Lives provides a safe and supportive place to stay, whether it's for a few hours, overnight, a weekend, or longer. It's an alternative to more formal placements like residential care homes.

You would live with a chosen Shared Lives carer, who could be a single person, a couple, or a family. You can bring your own things and be part of the family, supported with hobbies and activities.

More information:

Find out more about the Shared Lives Scheme in Kent on the KCC website.

Find out more about supported housing

You can find out more about supported housing and how to apply for it through the Kent Adult Social Care website.

Read more on the supported housing page of the KCC website.

Last updated: 25/02/2025