Kent Connect to Support
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Dementia Coordinators

What is a Dementia Coordinator?

A Dementia Coordinator is your main contact throughout your experience with dementia. They work with your doctor's office to provide support and guidance. They help you get the information and support you need to live well and understand dementia. 

What can a Dementia Coordinator do for me if I think I may have dementia?

If you think you may have dementia or are worried about your memory it is important to get the treatment and support, you need. A Dementia Coordinator will help you understand why it is important to find out if you do have dementia and what tests and examinations may be involved.

What about after my diagnosis?

When you are ready, your Dementia Coordinator will work with you and your memory clinic to ensure that you feel supported . They will be on hand to work through any questions or concerns you may have, as well as keeping in regular contact with your GP. A Dementia Coordinators can also signpost you to other relevant support services covering many aspects of daily life such as wellbeing, socialising, benefits and they will be there for your family as well. Your Dementia Coordinator will be local to your area and therefore will be familiar with local support services available to you.

Your Dementia Coordinator will continue to support you throughout your experience of dementia and help you plan for the future. They will get to know you and what matters to you. When you are ready they will visit you at home (or wherever suits you) and create a plan so you know how they will help you. 

Dementia coordinators in Kent

You can call the Alzheimer's and Dementia Support Service (ADSS) Dementia Coordinator line on 0800 035 2221 or email and they will get back to you.

You can also contact your GP surgery or memory clinic and ask them to refer you directly to ADSS.

Last updated: 04/03/2025