Short breaks and holidays for carers
A break from caring
Being a carer can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. It's important to take breaks to rest and recharge.
You can take a 'short break' from caring for a few hours, overnight, a weekend, or even longer. During this time, the person you care for will be looked after in a safe and supportive environment, and they might even enjoy some new activities.
There are different types of short breaks available, depending on the needs of the person you care for.
Crossroads care
Crossroads Care Kent is dedicated to supporting unpaid carers in Kent by providing quality services that allow them to maintain a life of their own outside of their caregiving responsibilities. They offer a range of services including short breaks, carers counselling, social clubs, health appointments, and urgent care support.
For more information visit Crossroads Kent.
Additional support
NHS Carers breaks guidance
Carers' breaks and respite care - Social care and support guide - NHS
Carefree offers unpaid carers the opportunity to enjoy a 1-2 night hotel stay with a companion at a time and place that suits them. To be eligible, you must be over 18 and provide more than 30 hours of unpaid care per week. There is a £33 admin fee per break, and you are responsible for travel and other expenses. Most hotels provide double or twin rooms with breakfast included. You can bring a companion, but it should not be the person you care for, allowing you to truly take a break.
Visit the carefree website for more information
Community Directory
Explore our community directory to find a variety of carer support groups and respite care services.