Technology House Upstairs Hallway
Indoor door sensors
This combines several devices together to ensure that those with various levels of cognitive impairment can remain safe and secure in their homes.
Two simple magnetic connectors link to transmitting sensor, which can either send an alert to a designated pager unit (if someone resides in the same house), or through to a connected Lifeline unit to be monitored 24/7.
How can it be used?
- To alert a loved one/ carer that someone is walking with purpose
- To raise an alert to a 24/7 monitoring centre who can make contact and arrange support (where required)
- To check that a user is accessing certain rooms e.g. the bathroom and the kitchen.
Who’s it for?
Can be used for anyone with cognitive impairment and has proved particularly useful through the night, giving peace of mind to family/carers that should they wander through the house, an alert will be sent to their pager.