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Technology House Hall

Technology Enhanced Lives House

Property exit sensor

This provides an alert if you leave your home and do not return within a certain length of time, leave home at an unexpected time or have left the front/back door open.

The property exit sensor is located above the door and comprises a PIR (Passive Infra Red) movement detector, door contacts and a Telecare Interface Module which together detect if someone has walked out of the door and not returned. The alarm can be set to activate for certain periods of the day, and will raise an alarm to either the carer (pager) or the monitoring centre.

How can it be used?

  • To alert a loved one/ carer that someone is walking with purpose
  • To alert whether an individual hasn’t returned home at an expect time
  • To raise an alert to a 24/7 monitoring centre who can make contact and arrange support (where required)

Who’s it for?

The property exit sensor is designed to monitor the safety of people with cognitive impairments who may be prone to leaving their homes for extended periods at inappropriate times of the day or night, putting themselves at risk.