Kent Connect to Support
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Community Navigation for carers:

Involve Kent's Community Navigators can help you identify what services or support might be helpful to you and help you to access it. They can also inform you of your rights as a carer and any benefits you may be entitled to.

Find out more on the Imago website carers section

Imago's Community Navigators will talk to you about your caring role and provide advice, guidance and support.  This will assist you in your caring role, by helping you to maintain your own health and well-being, and to find the right balance between your caring role and your own needs.

They can also support you in the following areas:

  • Benefits & Form Filling
  • Liaise with other professionals
  • Advocacy
  • Additional support at home with Telecare and equipment to empower you and the person you care for
  • Community services
  • Activities, training, and education
  • Meet & Talk Groups
  • Respite from your caring role
  • Telephone Befriending Service.

Find out full details on the Imago website adult carers section.

Other information you may find useful

Last updated: 26/11/2024